How to Sand & Finish Your Wood Floors

Feb 1, 2021, 23:00 PM by American Sanders
Bring those old floors back to life by refinishing them yourself. The experts at American Sanders can help.


Have your wood floors seen better days? You could bring those old floors back to life by refinishing them yourself, and the experts at American Sanders can help.

American Sanders has manufactured the premier line of wood floor sanding equipment since 1903.  You can rent this equipment from your local rental center and get professional results on a do-it-yourself budget. So don’t pay somebody else to do it for you, do it yourself with American Sanders.

Watch this video series for expert advice and instruction on how to sand and finish your wood floors.


American Sanders equipment is available at Home Depot Tool Rental Centers, and most other local rental centers.

Reserve you American Sander rentals online at


About American Sanders


American Sanders began in 1903 as The American Floor Surfacing Machine Company and built the first floor sanding machine on record with the U.S. Patent Office. More than one hundred years later, American Sanders remains the worldwide leader in the design and production of wood floor sanders and edgers for the professional contractor as well as the do-it-yourselfer. Today American Sanders continues this heritage with innovative equipment designs complimented by state-of-the-art formulation and production of water-based wood floor cleaners and antimicrobial floor coatings for a wide range of residential and commercial applications. American Sanders is a division of Amano Pioneer Eclipse. Read more about the company here.